What is it for?
Relief of the allergy symptoms. Allergy Relief oral spray also helps relieve symptoms of food and chemical sensitivities and allergies including; itching, bloating, sneezing, nasal and sinus congestion and indigestion.
Helpful Hints:
Avoiding the allergen is the practical course of action. Barrier creams or gloves in the case of contact dermatitis can provide relief. Natural Therapists trained in Homoeopathic desensitisation should be considered if the condition fails to respond after 1 month.
Adults: Initially, use 4 sprays under the tongue every half hour for 4 doses. Thereafter you can continue to use 4 hourly.
Children 2 to 12 years: Initially, use 2 sprays under the tongue every half hour for 4 doses. Thereafter 4 hourly. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner.
Active Ingredients:
Contains equal parts of: Antim. tart. 6C, Argent. nit. 6C, Bryonia 6C, Calc. carb. 6C, Chamomilla 6C, Histaminum mur. 9C, Nat. mur. 6C, Nux vomica 6C, Pulsatilla 6C, Rhus tox. 6C, Urtica urens 6C.
Homeopathic product traditionally used for the above indications.