Hand and contact Eczema can occur due to an allergic or irritative reaction to one or more external triggers. As it is not related to genetic factors and is caused by external influences, the treatment of this kind of eczema is different. Dermalex Repair enables you to relieve your contact eczema symptoms.
By having no steroids, parabens or perfumes, Dermalex minimises the chance of an allergic reaction to one or more substances. The ingredients make the cream suitable for long term use and can be used as often as needed. In addition, the non-greasy cream moisturises the skin to help relieve dryness, irritation and itch.
It’s clinically tested formula, allows you to use Dermalex Repair as a stand alone treatment or as part of a combination treatment with cortisone creams. 1,2
For mild and moderate contact eczema, Dermalex repair can be used as a stand-alone treatment. 2,3
In severe cases, Dermalex is recommended as part of the combination treatment with cortisone creams, to be used after the initial cortisone treatment to maintain the skin’s health and to prevent further flare ups.2